Medical Weight Loss

If you are overweight or obese and are struggling to lose weight with traditional dieting and exercise, medical weight loss may be an option for you. Medical weight loss is a physician-directed program that helps patients make long-term lifestyle changes for sustainable weight loss and improved health. Medical weight loss programs include nutrition education, stress management techniques, physical activity, reassurance, and encouragement. Unlike many commercial weight loss programs that tell you what to eat and how much to eat, medical weight loss plans are customized for each patient based on their individual needs.

During your initial assessment, your healthcare provider will create an individualized weight loss plan for you to achieve your goal. They will also order any necessary lab testing needed to assess your health and to determine if you are a candidate for the program. The healthcare professional will work with other professionals in the weight management team, including specialists from medicine, nutrition, physical therapy, psychology and sleep therapy to develop a comprehensive approach to your obesity/weight loss Medical Weight Loss.

The individualized weight loss plan will involve a healthy eating pattern, increased physical activity and behavioral modification. The healthcare provider will monitor and manage your progress throughout the weight loss journey. They will identify challenges and will help you make appropriate adjustments to your plan. These may include adjusting your medication, adding additional exercises or meeting with you more frequently [4,9].

Am I a Candidate for Medical Weight Loss?

Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, who are overweight or obese, are often candidates for medical weight loss. In addition to helping patients reach an ideal weight, medical weight loss is designed to address chronic obesity-related conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes/pre-diabetes and sleep apnea.

Medical weight loss is a safe, effective way to lose the weight you need to improve your quality of life. Our physicians and nurses are trained in the latest advances in obesity/weight loss and provide support and motivation to help you succeed.

At Allina Health, we believe that the success of your medical weight loss is largely dependent on your commitment and dedication to change. We provide a comprehensive, evidence-based program, along with compassionate care and supportive services to assist you in making the changes that will lead to long-term weight loss and improved health.

If you are ready to get started with the medical weight loss program at Allina Health, please call us at 412-343-5000 or request an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our team of experts are ready to help you reach your goals.

Our medical weight loss center in Newnan, Georgia offers a comprehensive range of programs that will help you lose weight and maintain your healthy lifestyle. We offer expert advice from our doctors and nutritionists as well as support from a team of professionals that includes exercise physiologists, psychologists, healthy cooking chefs and other members of our team.

If you are overweight and have tried other weight loss methods without success, medical weight loss may be the right solution for you. At Ciao Bella, our team will help you find the tools to make permanent lifestyle changes to reach and sustain a healthy weight.

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